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On the overview screen of most objects, there are some standard action buttons to let you perform updates and track changes. Additional actions are available when the Cortellis connector has been enabled. 

Standard actions

  1. Edit
    To edit an object, click the "Edit" button. To validate and save the change, click "Save".

  2. Assign To
    Assign an object to another system user or owner as needed. To assign an object, click the "Assign To" button in the toolbar of the object's Overview screen. The application will display a Choose Page where you can select the new owner and enter comments for the notification email that will be sent to the new owner.

    When you assign an object to a new owner, the system will automatically notify that user via email. When an object that you own is assigned to another user, the system will automatically notify you via email. When you assign any object to another user, you no longer own that item, so it will no longer appear on your home page.

If the object is restricted and you have not been added to the Authorization list for that object, once you assign it to another owner you will no longer have access to it. So don't forget to add yourself to the Authorization list of a restricted object before reassigning it!
  1. Run Report
    This feature is only applicable for companies who purchase Inova custom reports.

  2. Audit Log
    The Audit Log lists of all additions, modifications, and deletions made to that record or object. The Audit Log also stores the name of the user who made the modification and whether or not the change was made by the user or the user's deputy. Each change is listed with the date, the old and new values of the fields, and the name of the user who made the change.

    You can filter the audit log by time scale, the user who made the change, and the object type. It also helps identify whether a change was made by a user or her deputy. 

Within the audit log is an additional feature called Snapshots. A snapshot captures all the overview details of an object plus its linked documents, emails, and activities. Snapshots are created automatically for an object when it is created, archived, or deleted, but a user can manually create an snapshot at any time.
  1. Watch it
    To receive alerts about changes to your projects and other objects, use "Watch It". Every 24 hours, the system checks all the objects that you are watching. If any of them have been updated in the last 24 hours, the system will send you a notification by email that contains links to the overview screen and audit log of each modified object.

    The types of changes that trigger a "Watch It" notification are:
    • Updates to any of the fields in the Overview section, such as Product Name, Owner or Status.
    • Creation of a new link between another main business object and the watched object, e.g. when another user links an asset to an in-licensing project you are watching.
    • Creation of a new link between the watched object and an object it contains,  e.g. when another user attaches an email to an alliance that you are watching.
    • Deletion of a link between the object you are watching and any other object it's linked to, e.g. when another user deletes a contact from the Contacts portlet of a patent you are watching.

    When you are watching an object, instead of "Watch It", the button label will say "Stop Watching".

    To stop watching an object, click "Stop Watching". You can stop watching multiple object in one go from your "Watched Objects" list, available via the main menu.

    A few limitations on watching objects:

    • The "Watch It" feature is available to read-only and read-write users only for business objects in the modules they have access to.
    • Your ability to watch certain objects can change based upon whether the owner of an object decides to restrict access to it. If the owner restricts the object but doesn't add you to the authorization list, you cannot see the object at all, let alone receive notifications about it. Contact your application administrator for details.
    • You will not receive a notification when you make changes to an object you are watching.
    • There is no way to see if an object is watched by another user.
  1. Quick Create
    On some objects, "Quick Create" lets you quickly create a linked object while retaining important links to the object you are creating it from. For example, if you create an agreement from an in-licensing opportunity, the company and contacts linked to the opportunity will automatically be linked to the agreement. See the section "Quick Create" of this article for more details.
  2. Archive
    An alternative to deleting an item is to archive it. Archiving a business object does not remove it from the system, but instead gives it an Archived status which you can use for filtering when configuring lists. Archived items cannot be edited.

    To un-archive an object and edit it, click "Un-Archive". The page will refresh and the status will change to Reopen.
  3. Delete
    When you click "Delete", the system displays a confirmation message.
    You can't delete something that is linked to another object. For example, this in-licensing opportunity is linked to a meeting, asset and agreement. These links are displayed in the popup to allow the user to quickly access and unlink them.
If you attempt to delete an object and the message "The deletion was impossible because current user does not have right to delete the following dataobjects" appears, it most likely means that the object can only be deleted by its owner. If you need to delete an item and the owner is no longer a system user, contact your system administrator.
Deleting a object from the system cannot be undone. This is why in most cases, users do not delete objects, but archive them instead. This allows them to retain the full history of their interactions with other companies and refer back to that history at any time.

Cortellis and Watch It

Every asset imported from Cortellis can be watched so that when Cortellis updates an asset, it triggers the email sent to the watchers. This feature allows you to be automatically reminded when an asset's highest development phase is updated, for example, or a new indication is found. This can help you decide whether it's time to re-evaluate an opportunity that you put on hold or previously declined.

Connect to Cortellis / Update from Cortellis

When Cortellis is enabled, a couple of action buttons will appear on the asset overview screen. The first, "Connect to Cortellis", appears when you create an asset manually from the New Asset form. In most cases, the user will search and import the asset from Cortellis using the lookup field. But if the lookup isn't available, he can always create the link later by clicking the "Connect to Cortellis" button.

For assets that were imported from Cprtellis, the button is displayed as "Update from Cortellis". This lets a user manually query Cortellis and retrieve any new data on the matching record in Cortellis. Updates are highlighted with a red date in the updated field.

See the pages on Cortellis querying and asset creation with Cortellis for details on Cortellis-related features.