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The BIO Connector allows you to directly import the meetings scheduled with your company at conferences using the Inova One-on-One Partnering System. The connector imports not just your meetings, but also the associated companies, contacts, and assets, as well as related messages stored in the Message Center.

You can import meetings from ongoing and past conferences.

The BIO Connector is connected to the biggest biopharma events, such as :

  • BIO International Convention
  • BIO Asia International Conference
  • BIO Latin America Conference
  • BIO CEO & Investor Conference
  • JPM
  • and many more...
All JPM meetings can be imported except those set as "confidential" in the Inova One-on-One Partnering System.

How does it work?

The import process can be launched from the meetings page of your Inova Classic application :


If the "Import meetings" button is not visible, press Ctrl + F5 to force a cache refresh.
If the button is still not visible after this, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

You can quickly and easily import all your BIO meetings into your Inova Classic system in a few steps.

Step 1 - Choose a conference to import


  1. Start by selecting the conference you wish to import from the drop-down list. You can import the meetings from ongoing and past conferences.
  2. The tags before the names of the conferences indicate the status of the import :
    • NEW means that no meeting has been imported yet.
    • ONGOING means that some meetings have been imported for some participants.
    • DONE means that all the meetings have been imported.

Step 2 - Identify who attended the conference

Once the conference is selected, you need to associate the attendees (from your company) with existing contacts/users in your Inova Classic system and then map them.


  1. If some attendees have not been identified in your Inova Classic application yet, an alert will inform you that you need to map them before being able to import their meetings.
  2. Click on the "Map Contacts" button to map the conference attendees to the application's contacts/users.

A table will then appear with the list of the attendees to the conference from your company and the corresponding contacts or users found in the application.


  1. Attendees from your company, registered to the conference.
  2. Corresponding contacts or users within your Inova Classic application.
  3. If you see a check mark, it means that this person is a user in your Inova Classic application. Otherwise, it is an internal contact.
  4. If an attendee has not been mapped yet, a "Confirm" button is visible at the end of the line.
  5. Click on the cross if you think that an attendee is not mapped to the correct contact/user.
  6. After clicking on the cross, you can either click on the "+ Create" button to create a new internal contact, or use the autocomplete to find an already existing contact/user.
  7. Then, click on the "Confirm" button to validate the mapping.
  8. The NEW tag means that a new internal contact will be created in you Inova Classic application.
  9. Click on "Ok" to validate your choices.
It is very important to properly map attendees to your contacts/users to ensure that the meetings will be associated to the right people within your company.

Step 3 - Choose the meetings to import

Once the conference is selected and the mapping is done, you can then choose which meetings you need to import.


  1. Your meetings : to import only the meetings where you are a participant.
  2. Meetings of all attendees from your company : to import the meetings of all the participants.
  3. Meetings of some attendees from your company : to choose from the list of registered participants those for whom you want to import meetings.
  4. The page also shows details about the status of the import, i.e. the number of meetings you had at the conference and how many were already imported.
  5. Click on "Start importing" when ready to go to the next step.

Step 4 - Identify Companies, Contacts and assets that are already in Inova

The Next page lists all the meetings found in the partnering system and available for import.
They are grouped into three categories:


  1. Ready to import : List of meetings for which a match has automatically been found, i.e. the company/attendee/asset has either already been mapped during a previous import, or its name is close enough to ones found in your Inova Classic system.
  2. Action required : List of meetings for which no proper matching company/contact/user/asset has been found in your Inova Classic application. These meetings will require a specific attention and manual validation.
  3. Imported : List of meetings already imported previously.
  4. Check this box if you also want to import the canceled meetings (by default only scheduled meetings are imported).

The platform automatically compares the names of the companies, contacts and assets with the ones in your platform. If no match is found the application will recommend to create a new record.


  1. The NEW flag means that the company/attendee/asset will be automatically created.
  2. A warning sign can appear if the application automatically detects that an attendee is potentially linked to the wrong company.
If you meet with the same company/participant in several conferences, you will have to map them only once, ie when importing the first conference.
For JPM conferences it is possible to schedule meetings with companies/attendees that do not exist in the directory yet. In this case, if some attendees are manually added to JPM meetings with only a first name, then they will be created in your Inova Classic platform as contacts with "Unknown" as last name.

Step 5 - Import the meetings

Once you have completed the mapping, you will need to finalize the import:


  1. Go to the "Ready to import" tab.
  2. Select all the meetings you wish to import (they are all selected by default).
  3. Click on the "Import x meeting(s)" button to import all the selected meetings at once.


  1. Go to the "Action required" tab.
  2. Import individually each meeting by clicking on the "Import" button.
You can run the import several times to import the meetings newly scheduled and changes to meetings already imported. When clicking on the "Start Importing" button of a conference, this will automatically update the time/attendees of the previously imported meetings.
When importing meetings, existing companies in your Inova Classic application are updated with new information from the Inova One-on-One Partnering System.The fields that are updated are: company description, url, phone number, country, city, zip & address.
If there is existing data in those fields, it is not overwritten. Only blank fields will be populated with this information.

Best practices

If you are going to attend one of the BIO Conferences soon, here are some tips and tricks to save time.

  1. The day before the conference : In your Inova Classic application, go to the meetings lister and add some filters to get the list of all the meetings you will attend during this conference (i.e. meetings previously imported). Then export them to an Excel file.
  2. During the conference : Take some notes in this Excel file.
  3. After the conference : In your Inova Classic application, go to the meetings lister and add some filters to get the list of all the meetings you attended. Click on the "Edit Page" button to transform your meeting list into an editable format. Then copy/paste your notes from your Excel file and save.