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A user can be linked to a specific profile based on role, e.g. an Alliance Manager or a Scout. Based on that role, you can use Page Settings configure the home page and other screens to display and group information in a way that's best suited for that role, or to hide low-priority tabs in order to minimize the volume of data displayed onscreen.

Profiles are created and managed in Administration, then pages designed per profile. Click here for details on how to create and assign users to a profile


Adjust Page Settings per Profile

To manage the layout of a page,

1. Navigate to the page, then, click Page Settings.

2. In the Page Settings screen, click Customize Tabs. Note that only an Administrator can see this button.

The Customize Tabs screen will appear:

3. In this page: 

  1. Select the profile you want to apply the configuration to. 
  2. Select each tab's display options. A tab can be:
    • Visible: The users with this profile will see this portlet. Check both boxes to set this option. 
    • Hidden: The users with this profile will not see this portlet by default, but can choose to display it if they want. Check only the Available box to set this option. 
    • Not Available: The users with this profile will not be able to see or display this portlet. For that page or object, it won't be available to them. To make a tab Not Available, uncheck both boxes.
  3. Make changes to tab grouping as needed by selecting, dragging, and dropping tabs from one group into another. Click New Group to create a new group, then drag the desired tabs into it. 
  4. Reorder tabs within a group by drag-and-drop. 

4. Click Save when done.

"Hidden" tabs 

All users linked to a given profile will automatically see the configuration applied once you save the changes. Depending upon the above settings, the user can choose to hide or display whatever tabs are available to them. If a user has an issue with finding information on a page, it could be that they have hidden the tab without realizing it. If this is the case, check their page settings to make sure the available tabs are set to be displayed. 

Note that as of version 6.1, a new workflow ribbon and workflow tab were introduced to the application in order to greatly increase usability on some modules:


These options are hidden by default. If you want to take advantage of these tools, contact your Inova customer success manager or Inova support for more information.