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Email templates 

To manage email templates, navigate to Administration>Email Templates.

The Deals and Alliances application uses email templates for the following:

  • Notifications--sent to recipients based on delivery schedules set by users. Available on most major objects, most commonly used on obligations.
  • "Assign To" Emails--when a user assigns an object to another user, the system automatically sends a notification of the assignment to the new owner and a second notification to the original owner notifying him of the change.
  • Password Management Email--can be sent when the administrator assigns a user a new temporary password.
  • Reminders--email messages linked to activities and milestones.
  • Reviews--emails are sent to review participants to invite them to participate in a review, or to remind them that they have been invited but haven't responded yet, and to let the review owner know when a participant has submitted a response.  
  • Email Manager Templates--these apply to emails sent from the Contact or Document Manager. The content of these template vary from client to client, but they can cover a number of use cases, including internal alerts, renewal reminders, acknowledgement of receipt of information (e.g. "thank you for your interest") and other common email communications that require a standardized form for easy repeated use.

Update a template by clicking on its name in the list. 

The "Edit" screen for the template will appear as shown below.

Most template edit screens also include tips on how to make the changes, as shown in the Explain tab below the editable fields. 

 Remember to click Save after making your changes.