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Under Administration > Crowdsourcing Administration, you'll find settings related to the opportunity portal

This article covers the related options and settings for the portal available within the D&A application. Not all clients who have an opportunity portal use these options; some add the features, such as submitter notifications, to the portal itself. If you are interested in adding an opportunity portal to manage submissions, contact your Inova administrator or send a request to support for more information.

Submission assignee 

Under Configuration, select the user who will be the default owner or assignee of all opportunities submitted via the portal.

When opportunities are submitted via the opportunity portal, they come into the D&A application as Submissions. Therefore, the assignee should be a user who has Read-Write or Superuser rights to the Base module, which includes the Submission object.

You can also enable and disable the notifications sent automatically to the submitter and/or to the assignee.

  • "Send notifications" must be selected for the submitter to receive the notification.
  • "Receive notifications" must be selected for the assigne to receive the notification.

Submission decision

The submission object or portal opportunity includes a field called Number of Days Open that indicates the number of days that the submission has been in the system in an active status. If Days Counter Stop is selected, then once the submission is either declined or converted into an opportunity, the counter will stop. If you don't want the counter to stop, uncheck this option. 

Select "Days Counter Reset" to reset the Number of Days Open field to zero.

Email templates

In Crowdsourcing Email Template, you can configure the related email templates with your company branding and communication strategy. 

Click on a template to edit its content:

 Click Save when done.